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Body brushing

To be honest I don’t actually dry brush every day. Yet. But last year when I went on a 6 day yoga & detox retreat we were all given brushes and told to dry brush every morning and evening, which I actually did.

It felt absolutely amazing, my skin glowed and was smoother. As summer is coming up I’m thinking of taking it up again and doing it at least 3 times a week.

Not only does it exfoliate but it also helps skin circlulation which helps the appearance of skin tone and cellulite,and also helps with energy levels.

SO the way to do it is before you shower/bath start at your feet and move up the body in a circular motion. Obviously don’t dry brush your would probably hurt lol (plus if you read my clarisonic post, then you may know that there is another type of brush for the face!)

Happy brushing!

scrub scrub scrub!

I love,love,
love my clarisonic mia. I purchased it a few months ago and I have to say my skin has been smooth,glowing and my complexion more even since using it.

I went without it for about a month and I can honestly say there was a huge difference in my skin.

When I was younger I tried everything for my skin....EVERYTHING and I wish I found this earlier.It’s a bit more pricey than your regular face wash (retailing at around $139.00)but believe me, you will save money in the long run.

As the brush gets dirt deep down from your skin you don’t need to use any harsh chemicals from face washes to do the job (and strip your skin in the process).
I use a simple face wash for sensitive skin with no perfumes or harsh chemical’s and the mia does the rest for me......nice even glowing skin....just in time for summer!

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