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Eggs have been getting a bad rap lately. Although it is true that egg whites contain less fat (1 serving of egg whites..which is 2 egg whites contains 1g of fat and 75 calories, 1 egg with yolk and egg white cntains 75 calories and 5g fat) egg’s with the yolk contain more nutrients

Eating egg whites only may be beneficial to those who are watching there weight and cholesterol but most of the nutrient content comes from the egg yolk.

According to American Council on Science and Health, most of the vitamins and minerals in eggs---such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate, iron and zinc---are found in the yolk, as well as part of the protein.

The table below shows you how many nutrients you get from eating a whole egg instead of just egg whites.


Nutrient (unit)
Whole Egg
Egg White
Egg Yolk
Calories (kcal)
Protein (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Total fat (g)
Monounsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Trans fat (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Choline (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Vitamin B12 (mcg)
Folate (mcg)
Vitamin D (IU)
Vitamin A (IU)
Vitamin B 6 (mg)
Thiamin (mg)
Vitamin E (mg)
Selenium (mcg)
Phosphorous (mg)
Iron (mg)
Zinc (mg)
Calcium (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Potassium (mg)
Magnesium (mg)

Nutrient-rich, all-natural eggs are a welcome addition to any diet. 

The nutrient package of eggs aids in the following - 
  • Weight management: The high-quality protein in eggs helps you to feel fuller longer and stay energised,which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. 
  • Muscle strength and muscle-loss prevention: Research indicates that high-quality protein may help active adults build muscle strength and help prevent muscle loss in middle-aged and aging adults. 
  • Healthy pregnancy: Egg yolks are an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or roughly half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 
  • Brain function: Choline also aids the brain function of adults by maintaining the structure of brain cell membranes, and is a key component of the neuro-transmitter that helps relay messages from the brain through nerves to the muscles. 
  • Eye health: Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants found in egg yolks, help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of age-related blindness. Though eggs contain a small amount of these two nutrients, research shows that the lutein from eggs may be more bioavailable than lutein from other food sources.

Cracking the Cholesterol Myth

More than 40 Years of Research Supports the Role of Eggs in a Healthy Diet

Many Americans have shied away from eggs – despite their taste, value, convenience and nutrition – for fear of dietary cholesterol. However, more than 40 years of research have shown that healthy adults can eat eggs without significantly impacting their risk of heart disease.

And now, according to new United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition data1 , eggs are lower in cholesterol than previously recorded. The USDA recently reviewed the nutrient composition of standard large eggs and results show the average amount of cholesterol in one large egg is 185 mg, a 14 percent decrease. The analysis also revealed that large eggs now contain 41 IU of Vitamin D, an increase of 64 percent.

Studies demonstrate that healthy adults can enjoy an egg a day without increasing their risk for heart disease, particularly if individuals opt for low cholesterol foods throughout the day. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Heart Association recommend that individuals consume, on average, less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. A single large egg contains 185 mg cholesterol.

Several international health promotion organizations – including Health Canada, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Australian Heart Foundation and the Irish Heart Foundation – promote eggs as part of a heart-healthy diet, recognizing that they make important nutritional contributions.


Exactly how many eggs you can safely eat a day will depend on your age, weight, sex, activity level, daily caloric intake, dietary habits and health. Your doctor can make a recommendation based on all these factors. However, moderation and variety are important to a well-rounded diet. The Harvard Medical School recommends an average of one egg a day for healthy cholesterol levels and a strong heart. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that healthy adults should aim to get 46 and 56 g of protein a day from a variety of foods, and suggests eggs as a nutrient-dense protein source.

How can the same plant that gives you tequila be good for you in other ways than a coupe of shots with friends?? Well it also produces..........Agave Nectar

Have you heard of agave? I’m assuming if you have it is because you know it is the plant from which tequila is made from! However what I am about to tell you is a lot more interesting then how tequila is made, although I’m not saying tequila isn’t exciting! Anyways, Agave nectar is most often produced from the Blue Agaves (plant) that thrive in the volcanic soils of Southern Mexico. Agaves are large, spiky plants that resembles a cactus. The taste of agave nectar is comparable, though not identical, to honey. The main reason I am writing about this product is because I feel that in today's society we are consuming way too many artificial sweeteners! Who knows what implications they are going to have on us years to come? Sure they seem great now, I mean zero calorie drinks that taste delicious...what's not to love? However, I do NOT think that is a good enough reason to be drowning your body in artificial sweeteners that are surely doing more harm than good, if any! Therefore when I discovered this nectar I fell in love with it because in many regards agave nectar bridges the gap between real and artificial sweeteners. The reason for this is because it is a real sugar, as opposed to an artificial or non-nutritive sweetener. It has properties similar to many sugars with one important exception: its glycemic index is significantly lower. I will explain why this is so beneficial later in the post. This makes it a healthier alternative to white, brown, and mainly artificial sweeteners. Why else should you use this product you ask? Well it is also weight management and diabetic friendly!

Agave nectar's low glycemic index makes it suitable for some individuals on low-carb diet. Granulated sugar (classic white sugar) has an average glycemic index in the high 60's, while agave generally scores under 30. Foods with a glycemic index lower than 55 are considered low glycemic foods. Foods lower on the scale are less likely to trigger the body's mechanisms for fat storage. While it's not a "free" food for indiscriminate consumption, many individuals on a diet or weight maintenance plan find that agave is a healthier substitute for sugar, and that moderate use of agave nectar can help them enjoy foods that otherwise might be off limits.

It is diabetic friendly because diabetics are usually advised to monitor sugar intake in their diet and, like those trying to lose weight, watch the glycemic index of the foods they eat. Agave nectar DOES have calories and carbohydrates that must be taken into consideration, and responses to sweeteners vary from one individual to the next. However, because agave has a lower glycemic index than refined sugars, its carbohydrates are less likely to raise the blood sugar quickly.

Therefore it is not so much that this is not a sugar, it is the fact that it has such a low glycemic index. I will be explaining why this is so amazing in a bit.

So how do you use this liquid as a substitute for sugar? Agave nectar is more calorie-dense than brown or white sugar, however it is about 40% sweeter, so the amount of agave can be reduced! It may take some adjustment of recipes to learn how to properly substitute agave nectar for regular white sugar, but it's much easier than using an artificial sweetener to substitute for sugar. Artificial sweeteners provide sweetness, but few of the functional properties of real sugars. Agave provides the same variety of functions (including browning, moisture retention, softening and food preservation) as processed sugars.

The most important feature of this product is the low glycemic index, so pay attention to this section. The glycemic index is a way of measuring the relative impact of foods on blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index have carbohydrates that the body can quickly convert to sugar, which makes them more likely to cause a quick rise in blood sugar.

To determine the glycemic index of a food, human subjects are given a portion of a single food and their blood sugar is tested at intervals. The resulting response curve is compared to a control substance (either glucose or white bread) and assigned a numerical value. Glucose (or white bread) is given an arbitrary rating of 100, and all other foods are measured relative to that. Foods that rate above 100 are foods whose carbohydrates digest very quickly and are likely to raise the blood sugar immediately, while those with an index lower than 100 have less impact on the blood sugar.

Foods with few to no carbohydrates, like meats, cheeses and fats, will likely result in a glycemic index close to zero. The fewer easily-digested sugars and starches a food contains, the less likely it is to create a spike in blood sugar. Dietary fiber, while classified as a carbohydrate, passes through the system undigested, so it has no impact on blood sugar. In fact, fiber works to help slow the absorption of digestible carbohydrates.

Like the glycemic index, the glycemic load of a food is used to characterize its potential effect on blood sugar. A food may have a high glycemic index, meaning the carbohydrate it contains will quickly convert to sugar, but if that food does not contain much carbohydrate per average serving, there will not be much impact on the blood sugar.

To calculate the glycemic load of a food, multiply its glycemic index by the number of digestible (non-fiber) carbohydrates in a single serving, then divide by 100. That number may be interpreted as follows:

20 and above = high glycemic load
10 to 19 = medium glycemic load
less than 10 = low glycemic load
Here is an example (look how amazing agave nectar compares!!)

glycemic index
glycemic load
12 oz. regular cola:
fresh apple (medium)
2 Tbsp. agave nectar

So even though the apple has fewer carbohydrates, the glycemic load of the agave nectar is actually lower!

Proving my point quite clearly, Agave Nectar is truly a LOW glycemic SUGAR...nothing artificial about it!

Buy a bottle of this Agave Nectar today from your local health store and start substituting it in your life any time you would use sugar! I personally like to put some on my oatmeal in the morning, or even my afternoon tea. Enjoy :)


Berries are one of natures most tasty super foods. You can sprinkle them in your yogurt,cereal,add them in smoothies,make a berry fruit salad or just snack on them as they are. 

Berries are very nutritious and low in calories. 
One cup of strawberries contains over 100 mg of vitamin C, almost as much as a cup of orange juice. We need vitamin C for immune system function and for strong connective tissue. Strawberries also add a bit of calcium, magnesium, folate and potassium and only 53 calories. 

One cup of blueberries offers a smaller amount of vitamin C, minerals and phytochemicals for only 83 calories. The same amount of cranberries is similar, but with only 44 calories, 1 cup of raspberries offers vitamin C and potassium for 64 calories. 

You can choose other berries with similar nutrition, such as loganberries, currants, gooseberries, lingonberries and bilberries. 

Not only is the colour of berries amazing but that pigment is also good for your health.Berries contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that may help to prevent some forms of cancer. Cranberries and blueberries contain a substance that may prevent bladder infections. Eating a diet rich in blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries may help to reduce your risk of several types of cancers. Blueberries and raspberries also contain lutein, which is important for healthy vision. 

You can find a wide array of berries in supermarkets ranging from fresh berries, frozen berries to dried berries.

Eating Weeds of the Sea

Yes by that I mean seaweed.....not what you where thinking hey? Just thought I would make the title a bit confusing for you to get you interested. I literally just finished a eating a pack and felt like I had to tell you about how good it is.I love the taste too. 

SO what is so good about eating seaweed you are probably thinking. This is why we are here so we can tell you information you need to know.

Sea vegetables offer the broadest range of minerals of any food and are an excellent source of the B-vitamin folate, and magnesium, as well as a great source of iron, calcium, and the B-vitamins riboflavin and pantothenic acid. In addition, seaweed contains significant amounts of lignans, which are plant compounds with cancer-protective properties.

More recently scientists have concluded that seaweed is up to 60 times more potent that its land-based counterparts. Cultures such as Japan and Korea have known of the powerful health benefits of sea vegetation for centuries. In fact, cultures that have traditionally eaten seaweed-based diets have historically shown fewer instances of obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. Additionally, studies of large groups of people who eat seaweed and algae regularly tend to show that they have less breast cancer than those who eat more meats. Women in Japan, for example, have a lower risk of breast cancer than woman in the United States.

Seaweed also has been proven to provide support through stressful situations by supplying not only magnesium, but pantothenic acid and riboflavin--two B-vitamins necessary for energy production. Pantothenic acid is especially important for the health of the adrenal glands. The adrenals control many body functions and play a critical role in resistance to stress. When supplies of necessary nutrients like pantothenic acids are inadequate, stressful times can exhaust the adrenal glands resulting in chronic fatigue, reduced resistance to allergies and infection, and a feeling of being overwhelmed or overly anxious.

Seaweed also helps you grow you grow mermaid like hair. (I could be exaggerating a little bit but it will help it grow)

Seaweed alone contains many of the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth. For instance, according to "Alive: Canadian Journal of Health & Nutrition," omega-3 fatty acids feed hair follicles to stimulate growth, and iron and zinc maintain hair production. Zinc deficiency leads to hair shedding. Moreover, vitamins A and C are also needed to produce sebum, which acts as a natural hair conditioner; vitamins B and E help maintain healthy hair. Calcium, rich in seaweed, is another vital mineral in hair production. Finally, detoxifying the body can promote healthier hair growth.

Anyway I love eating this seaweed straight from the pack as a snack......I only discovered this in Canada (Samantha has been eating this stuff for a while) and I am addicted to it. Instead of reaching for the chips reach for the seaweed.

We get “Being Blue Roasted Seasoned Seaweed” in huge batches as we love it so much and it comes in a handy snack pack size so you can easily pop it in your bag.

Coconut Oil!

If you have not heard about this oil you must read this. The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, weight loss, proper digestion of foods, increase metabolism, and the list goes on and on. Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair providing a shiny complexion. Coconut oil is also an excellent massage oil for the skin. In fact it can be used as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins. Coconut oil is very useful in reducing weight, it contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. Further, it increases the body metabolism therefore aiding in weight loss. Have you ever noticed that people living in tropical areas are not normally fat or obese? Well they are eating coconut oils daily! 

Just research this oil for yourself and discover all that it has to offer. It is one of the most versatile products I have ever used. I use this oil to cook any food that requires oil to a product to shave my legs with! It is definitely an all in one product that can be used for multiple purposes. Try using this oil next time you make eggs, or saute vegetables. I even melt this oil and pour it over my popcorn for a delicious alternative to butter. Honestly the possibilities are endless, just buy a bottle and start discovering some purposes this oil has in your life! You can purchase coconut oil in just about any grocery store in the organic section, or any health food store around your area. I prefer “Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil.” Please do not be frightened by the price, although expensive the bottle will last you a very long time. You only need small quantities of this product at a time, as it is very powerful and a small amount goes a long way.

Ear Candling

(Samantha did it on me last night and it definately works.....i've stopped saying "huh?" as much already ;) 

Last night I candled Gabriela's ears for the first time. I have candled my ears many times in my life and I was shocked to hear that she had never done it before. Maybe it is something we just do in Canada? 

Anyways I feel that ear candling is a very amazing natural way to get rid of built up wax and sinus powder that have been gathering in your ear canal over the years. I personally candle my ears twice a year, any more I think would not be healthy because you naturally need some wax in your ear to protect you from dust and bacteria in the air. You can purchase ear candling tubes from any health store around and they are very reasonable in price. After a session of candling both ears you will feel amazing! You will notice instantly that your hearing seems more sharp and if you have sinus problems you will most definitely notice a decrease in them! This time of year a lot of people are suffering from allergies from all the pollen that is out, therefore making this the perfect opportunity to candle your ears to help deal with some of your sinus problems.

So how does this all work? Basically you are inserting a hollow tube into your ear made from cotton, linen or hemp, which has been sprayed with beeswax. You are lighting that tube with a match and letting the heat act as a vacuum pulling the wax and sinus powder deep within your ear.

At first I did not believe this whole concept of ear candling...I felt the whole idea was a gimmick. So I simply took a hollow tube and lit it with a match and let it burn till the bottom, when I cut it open there was absolutely nothing in it. Then the true test was about to happen...I got someone to candle my ear with the remaining tube till the bottom and cut it open. To my surprise it was filled with wax from deep within my ear (gross I know, but I want you to understand that these candles do work!)
Therefore do not think the wax at the bottom of the tube is simply the wax from the tube dripping down, because it is is your wax from deep within your ear! Can you imagine how amazing you are going to feel when you have a session of ear candling...pretty amazing let me tell you! lol

Well I hope I have convinced you that ear candling is something you should look into if you are suffering from dull hearing, headaches, sinus problems, snoring, etc. Once again the list goes on and on, do some research for yourself. I just know from personal experience that I feel so rejuvenated after I candle my ears and the effect last for a long time. Happy candling :)

When life gives you lemons.....

make lemon water!

Lemon and water are the perfect match for those of you who do not enjoy drinking water, much like me!  I try to make myself drink water daily, although it often feels like a chore. Once I discovered how amazing lemon water tasted as well as all the health benefits associated with lemons I now incorporate them into my daily diet to feel more energized than ever. 

Lemons are packed with natural vitamins and minerals that help improve both you inside and out. Did you know that when you wake up in the morning the first thing you should be having is hot lemon water, not coffee which seems to be the go to liquid for most. Your body is craving the minerals and nutritional values that the lemon provides and the hot water helps sooth your body when you first wake up. It has been found that many people do not even crave coffee until later in the day when they start their morning with lemon water, because lemon is a natural energizer, therefore causing many people to feel more awakened and energized than ever.

Another major benefit of starting your day with lemon water is that it is a natural cleanser. It naturally detoxifies the liver, which will further aid in digestion of food. Therefore you are not only cleansing out your body but you are also aiding in the digestion of foods that you are about to consume. 

What's not to love about lemon water? Try squeezing a wedge of lemon in hot water every morning, as well try drinking cold lemon water all throughout the day to keep your energy up! Drink up :)

Green Tea

Green tea is another liquid that one should drink as much as possible, all day long. You should try to drink green tea between meals to help tie you over before your next meal so you do not mindlessly nosh on unneeded snacks and foods. 

I discovered the best green tea at Costco, “Kirkland Signature Ito En Matcha Blend (Green Tea), 100% Japanese Green Tea Leaves.” It contains matcha powder in it that you shake on the tea after it is made. 

The package comes with 100 tea bags and is around 20 dollars in price. After researching the health benefits of green tea I discovered some that may be appealing to you. 

It is said to slow the aging process to prevent wrinkles, reduces and prevents acne, helps to fend off infections, promotes weight loss, boosts your immune system, lowers your risk of cancer, and the list goes on and on.

Basically if you are not drinking green tea, you should be! The numerous benefits that this tea provides your body is incredible, not to mention it is delicious. Try to drink at least one cup of it a day to aid in a healthy and balanced lifestyle both inside and out.

An Apple (cider vinegar) a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Take the 30 day challenge with us!

We here at sabrela have been taking apple cider vinegar for one week now. We are committed to taking it until June 15th to see if we notice any difference. Historically apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy for numerous illnesses. As well it has been used as a natural remedy to improve beauty. After researching extensively all the benefits of apple cider vinegar we wanted to have first hand knowledge as to whether the claims this product makes are accurate. After just one week of taken a shot of vinegar each morning we can honestly say we notice a difference in our energy level, attention span, and finally brightness in our skin! 

If you are interested in buying apple cider vinegar and seeing for yourself if it helps improve your beauty and health please beware that not all apple cider vinegars are created equal! Many commercial apple cider vinegars have been pasteurized, filtered, refined or distilled in order to make the product look good. However you must buy the raw, unfiltered kind, containing the "mother of vinegar" in the ingredient list. “Bragg’s Organic” is the one I prefer and you can buy it from any health food store around. 

So what are the health claims and benefits that this vinegar makes? They include cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, sore throats, arthritis, gout, and the list goes on and on.  Apple Cider Vinegar also breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks! Are the claims that apple cider vinegar is a powerful weight loss aid actually true? Well there has been no scientific data that backs up this claim, however you can try incorporating this vinegar into your daily life and see for yourself?  

Many people use it in salad dressings or drink a tablespoon diluted in a glass of water once or twice per day. It is generally believed that the nutrients, enzymes, and organic acids in apple cider vinegar cause weight reduction by acting as an appetite suppressant, by increasing your body's metabolic rate, by reducing water retention, and by helping you maintain a feeling of well being.

Not only can apple cider vinegar be internally digested, but it can also be used externally as a natural facial remedy, often being used as a natural treatment for acne. It helps to clear blemishes on the skin by balancing the skin's acidity and killing bacteria.

When used as a toner, it absorbs the excess oil from skin that causes breakouts. Apply apple cider vinegar mixed with water onto your skin with a cotton ball. For severe acne, it should be left on overnight. The use of apple cider vinegar can give facial skin a smoother texture. As well it can help get rid of age spots, causing them to fade gradually. 

The effect of apple cider vinegar on age spots appears to work best when you drink the beverage and apply it directly to the spots. Therefore by using the vinegar both internally and externally you could help improve your skin's texture and look. A final use for apple cider vinegar for the skin is when you have a sunburn. Gently patting the affected area with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar can help alleviate the sting and redness of a sunburn! Who would have known? The list goes on and on, and by searching the internet you can read all the claims this vinegar has. 

However here at sabrela we like to experiment with these natural health remedies first hand. We are on day seven of the 30 day challenge. It is not too late to take this challenge with us! Go purchase your apple cider vinegar from your local health store and start today. All it takes is a shot of this vinegar a day and you will begin to notice a difference in your skin and well being within a week.

ch-ch-ch-chia seeds!

Have you ever heard of the ch-ch-ch-chia pet? Well, did you know that those tiny chia seeds that help the plants grow big and strong are actually an amazing superfood for you that you should be incorporating into your daily diet. The list of benefits that these tiny seeds have on your health and well being is insane! I combine chia seeds with two other superfood ingredients and eat them every morning for breakfast. The three ingredients that you will need to buy are chia seeds, hemp hearts, and finally raw buckwheat. You can buy the chia seeds and hemp hearts from any bulk barn. However I have only ever found raw buckwheat from health stores such as Natural Solutions. I buy “Bob’s Red Mill Organic Buckwheat Groats.” When you are making the concoction I always use 1 cup chia seeds, 1/2 cup hemp hearts, and 1/4 cup buckwheat. Therefore if you wanted to make a larger batch just use the same formula just increase the amounts of each ingredient. After you have made a batch of this mixture store it in an airtight container in the fridge to extend the lifespan of it. You can leave this mixture in your fridge for up to three months.

There are many different ways you can eat the mixture but before I explain them I want you to understand how chia seeds work. You can eat the seeds raw, in their crunchy and hard state simply by adding them to salads for example. However the way I prefer to eat them is as a gel. When you add any liquid to chia seeds they absorb the liquid and turn into a gel. The seeds absorb the flavour of whatever liquid they are soaked in! Therefore you can soak the seeds in water, milk, nut milk, fruit juice, yogurt, etc.  To make a basic gel I like to use two tablespoons of my three ingredient mixture and 1/2 cup of liquid. Whisk the seeds and liquid together and let sit for a few minutes. After the few minutes is up whisk them again and you will immediately notice how the mixture is a gel like texture now. Let it sit for another 10 minutes or so and then you will have your gel like mixture. At this point the mixture is edible, however very bland and not very tasteful, however for a quick energy burst before an exercise session or run this would be the best thing possible to eat! What I like to do next is add about half a cup of greek yogurt and add some fresh fruit and you have the most nutritional breakfast ever!

What I love most about this mixture is that you can make it the night before and have your breakfast ready to go the next morning when time is an issue. Lately I have been mixing two tablespoons of my mixture with 1 cup of greek yogurt and leaving it in the fridge overnight. The next morning I simply take it out of the fridge and have the most filling, nutritious breakfast ever, keeping me full until lunch! Another way I enjoy the seed mixture when I have more time on hand is by mixing them on top of my oatmeal in the morning. Honestly the possibilities are endless. You just need to start incorporating these three seeds into your diet.  At this point you are probably wondering why these seeds are so amazing, research them you will shortly find out. The main reasons I love them is because they balance your blood sugar, add omega-3 oil to your diet, help you feel so energized all day, add age-defying antioxidants to your diet, cut cravings for bad foods, and finally help regulate you. Honestly eat this three mixture concoction for a week and you will notice a huge difference!  The nutritional facts for two tablespoons of these seeds is approximately 130 calories and 7 grams of protein. Depending upon what you chose to mix your seeds in will change the nutritional data, for example I mix my two tablespoons in 1 cup of greek yogurt therefore making my mixture about 230 calories and 25 grams of protein. I hope from reading this post you are encouraged to start eating these seeds to understand the benefits for yourself!

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